
If you’re interested in writing a submission for the blog, please email

Sep, 18 2023

Once upon a conference in Cambridge

By Niamh teacher in Wembley

Sep, 12 2023

Integrate Social and Emotional Learning this academic year

By Jess Brandler, SNS Managing Director

Aug, 22 2023

"Westminster could possibly learn something from these attendees"

Hey everyone, I'm Nia – the new intern with Solutions Not Sides (SNS), and I'm here to tell you all about my first full day as the newest member of the team (does that make me sound like the office puppy or something?). If you had asked me when I first came across Solutions Not Sides at age 16-ish, if I thought I would ever come back into contact with the company on this level, I would’ve said probably not.

Aug, 21 2023

Israeli-Palestinian shows and Films: Part 3

Note: Solutions Not Sides makes no attempt to reconcile or support any of these films or TV shows, or the narratives they show, but we believe it is important to understand different side’s perspective and the way that their societies presents and understands events.

Jul, 18 2023

Solutions not Sides’ Model United Nations

By Ms Macpherson, Teacher at London school in Stratford

Solutions Not Sides’ (SNS) events have become an annual part of our school experience in recent years at London Academy of Excellence (LAE), and so we were keen to be part of the SNS inaugural Model United Nations (MUN), and pleased that so many of our students leapt at the opportunity to take part in a conference on a UN path forward for Israel and Palestine.