SNS Resources on Israel-Palestine

These free resources have been developed in-house by the SNS team to offer teachers & their students resource materials that can be used in class or by students learning remotely. They are themed and are designed to be interactive, with multimedia elements, questions, time for reflection, and scope for further reading & learning.

We would strongly advise using these resources alongside booking a full SNS Israel-Palestine workshop, as although they are designed to be used independently, students will get the most out of them if they have a better grasp of the context of the conflict in Israel-Palestine which our workshops provide. For more info and to book, click here.

These resources are free to use & download for schools, teachers & students only. If you are from a different organisation and are interested in utilising these resources in some way, please get in touch with SNS to discuss details.

Teacher Guides

Student-Led Learning Resources
SNS School Assembly - Listening to Palestinian & Israeli Voices When Violence Is In The Media


The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is currently prominent in our media headlines, and may be affecting students at your school. It is better to support students to learn about and discuss this difficult topic than trying to shut it down. We are here to support you to do that. Please click here to download our presentation resource that includes a script for the presenter and a short film for an assembly (approx 30 minutes). The main focus of the presentation is humanisation of Palestinians and Israelis, and the importance of avoiding antisemitism and Islamophobia when talking about this topic.
SNS Teacher Guide: How to tackle anti-Jewish & anti-Muslim bullying around the issue of Israel-Palestine


A guide for educators that explores how bullying related to Israel-Palestine may manifest, and suggests some approaches to tackling this:

  • Exploring shame vs. empathy
  • Identifying racism
  • Tackling manifestations in school
  • How to manage conspiracy theories
  • Emotional literacy

Our Founder Sharon also wrote about the impact of bullying related to this issue over in our blog.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive look at bullying related to the issue of Israel-Palestine, and it would be complemented by some of our other resources, as well as by booking an SNS workshop for your young people (if you haven’t already). One suggested partner guide would be the guide to conspiracy theories.
SNS Teacher Guide: Avoiding Hate Speech Around The Topic Of Israel-palestine


This is a brief guide on how to avoid falling back on language that may, intentionally or not, fall under the categories of antisemitic or Islamophobic hate speech. This was created during the period of sustained violence in mid-2021 in Israel-Palestine, and went viral when originally posted to SNS’ Instagram.

This guide is meant as an introduction to this topic, and isn’t an exhaustive look at this topic - we encourage you to take it as a place to start and do further research. You may well feel like its missing something or would benefit from added detail - if you have any suggestions please feel free to send them to us at
SNS Fact Checking Resource


Education and tools are needed for young people to start thinking for themselves about what media they are consuming and the spectrum of views and agendas that are out there. In an age of information overload, separating fact from fiction has never been more critical. Misinformation, rumours, and false claims can spread like wildfire, impacting our understanding of the world and our ability to make informed decisions.

Use this new guide/resource to start to get equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the sea of information and discern fact from falsehood in times of violence and war.
SNS Teacher Guide: Understanding Positions & Triggers Related to Israel-Palestine


This guide has been developed through listening to alumni from among our student participants, particularly Jewish and Muslim, and our Palestinian and Israeli speakers. Their voices and stories are featured at various points throughout this guide, represented by the speech bubbles and featured in the films.

As this guide is based on real experiences of our speakers and participants, it offers approaches related to what they have faced. Different topics and words are addressed simultaneously in this guide, however that is not to suggest a uniform response to these issues, or an equivalence between those words and issues that are presented together in this guide.

It is designed to help you encourage your students to think critically and understand the potential impact before discussing and forming opinions on Palestine-Israel. It is based around the values of:

  • Non-violence
  • Equality for all
  • Rejection of hatred

It is also based around three critical-thinking questions as they reflect on their position:

  1. Is the goal a win-win outcome?
  2. Is it fair?
  3. Is it constructive?
SNS Teacher Guide: Conspiracy Theories


The information below is intended to help you understand common conspiracy theories surrounding Israel, Palestine, Muslims and Jews both in the UK and around the world, and how to rebuff these conspiracies when you hear them in your classroom, or among colleagues. Perhaps some of what you read below is new to you, however a recent study shows that three in five Brits believe at least one conspiracy theory (Opinium). The links included are there to provide some context and exploration around these conspiracies, but their content is not the work of, or in any way related to, Solutions Not Sides.

The list is not exhaustive. You may also find it useful to attend one of our teacher CPD workshops on Understanding and Tackling Islamophobia and antisemitism in Relation to Palestine-Israel where we will address countering conspiracy theories in the classroom.
SNS Teacher Briefing: Why Study Israel-Palestine at Key Stages 4 & 5?


Whether you are already studying the conflict with your students or currently faced with that choice, you might be wondering what your young people have to benefit from tackling such a challenging topic?

This briefing goes into why getting students engaged on the subject of Israel-Palestine can be a positive and rewarding experience for those involved, in spite of the sensitivities.
SNS Teacher Guide: Palestine-Israel Vocabulary


A non-exhaustive but relatively comprehensive vocabulary guide giving you brief definitions and outlines of key terms and names related to the situation in Palestine and Israel.

If you think we’re missing anything important, please let us know at
SNS Teacher Guide: How to Talk About Israel-Palestine in School


In SNS, we believe that avoiding discussing difficult topics can lead to a lack of understanding of them. This is disempowering for young people, who will seek information on these issues elsewhere, usually online. It is important to create safe spaces and provide life skills for British young people to make the difficult but vital conversations about Israel-Palestine not just possible but positive. This guide explores how and why its important to do so.
SNS Teacher Guide: Responding To Questions


Unless you are an expert in the subject of Israel-Palestine, it is best to give guidance to the student about ways they can respond to the situation — but in an appropriate way that does not push them to a political position. This is a brief guide for educators wanting to answer young people’s questions on the subject of Israel-Palestine.
SNS Teacher Guide: Organisations Working Towards Peace & Justice in Palestine and Israel


Here are a number of organisations that work inside Palestine, inside Israel, across borders and internationally. These organisations show that people can work together to find a solution to conflict and demonstrate leadership and bravery. On their websites you may find useful resources for exploring active peace-work in the region today. This list is not exhaustive, and many others organise and act together on a number of issues.

Some are cross border organisations, some primarily work in their respective societies.

SNS is not responsible for the content of external websites, which are wholly the responsibility of their owners. We do not necessarily endorse or support everything on external websites.
SNS Teacher Guide: Israel-Palestine Timeline Of Events


This is a timeline showing some of the key dates, events and associated people of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is a graphic visualisation of this timeline, and as such is limited in the detail it includes for each event, and there may be some events missing. If you think we’ve not included something you think we should, feel free to get in touch and recommend this to us at
SNS Teacher Guide: Student Interest in Israel-Palestine


Which students in the UK may be affected by events in Israel-Palestine?

Whilst you will likely encounter students from all backgrounds who feel affected by the conflict in one way or another, there are certain students who may feel more emotionally connected to the conflict and some who may feel nothing at all.

Here is our 5-point guide of what to look out for when supporting students’ discussions on this issue.